James Stevens MP Media Release: Rudd, Smith and Assange’s Million Dollar Homecoming

Rudd, Smith and Assange’s Million Dollar Homecoming

19 July 2024

It cost almost one million dollars for Julian Assange to return to Australia with US Ambassador Kevin Rudd, UK High Commissioner Stephen Smith and other consular staff. Documents released to the Senate have confirmed the eye-watering amount, with claims the ‘Wau Holland Foundation’ will reimburse the majority of the cost.

The flight chartered to fly from London to Saipan, then on to Canberra cost $781,480.30. Kevin Rudd’s additional travel costs came to $29,267.73, Stephen Smith’s $17,807.39, with a further $55,402.51 spent on other associated Department of Foreign Affairs costs.

“It is extraordinary that such exorbitant costs were incurred to bring Julian Assange, convicted of espionage, home in such lavish style”, Government Waste spokesman James Stevens said.

“Being escorted by two of our most senior diplomats on chartered flights has cost nearly a million dollars - all to facilitate pleading guilty to spying against our closest ally.

“Assange’s gold-plated return to Australia is a warped priority of the Albanese Government. It’s a disgrace that much more important issues don’t command the same dedication of taxpayer resources that convicted criminal Julian Assange has.”


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