Rudd Doubles the Pride

13 Sep 2024

New Freedom of Information documents obtained by the Coalition reveal the exorbitant cost of Kevin Rudd's latest Pride Party at the Australian Embassy in Washington.

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A $20,000 ‘taste’ of the didgeridoo

29 Aug 2024

FOI documents reveal that almost $20,000 of taxpayer funds were spent to fly an Australian didgeridoo performer to India for a brief performance at an event hosted by the Australian Consulate in ...

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Kevin Rudd's Party Palace

18 Aug 2024

New Freedom of Information documents reveal the significant costs of Keven Rudd's lavish parties at the Australian Embassy in the United States. In January of this year, Ambassador Rudd hosted an Awards ...

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Albo’s $94,000 rubber stamp meeting

12 Aug 2024

Travel expense records released by the Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority (IPEA) reveal Labor MPs spent $93,952 to travel to Canberra for their caucus meeting in January to endorse breaking their election promise ...

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Half a billion dollars for more politicians

23 Jul 2024

Independent costings from the Parliamentary Budget Office have revealed that the Albanese Government’s plans for more politicians in Canberra will cost more the $500 million dollars.

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Rudd, Smith and Assange’s Million Dollar Homecoming

19 Jul 2024

It cost almost one million dollars for Julian Assange to return to Australia with US Ambassador Kevin Rudd, UK High Commissioner Stephen Smith and other consular staff.

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Labor’s $170 million taxpayer-funded advertising blitz

06 Jun 2024

In a prime example of Labor wasting money on the wrong priorities, Anthony Albanese’s Government will spend up to $172 million dollars on advertising its own policies.

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The Bill no Australian could afford

03 Jun 2024

The Deputy CEO of the Department of Social Services confirmed today in Senate Estimates that Bill Shorten’s department awarded a contract worth over $620,000 to his speechwriter, Julianne Stewart, for two years ...

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Albo’s half a billion-dollar Referendum folly

29 May 2024

The Australian Electoral Commissioner, Tom Rogers, has revealed to Senate Estimates that the cost of Anthony Albanese’s failed Referendum is in the order of the $522 million spent on holding the 2022 ...

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