It is certainly no secret that tough economic times are upon us. Rising inflation, rising interest rates, and rising electricity bills - a perfect storm of financial woe. These problems are not uniquely Australian, with much of the world feeling this pinch - but this does not make it any easier for Australian families to pay their bills.
Of course, these issues are complex and there is no silver bullet. However, the one thing that I cannot abide is a federal government that promises to reduce power prices by $275 a household, but once elected, does the very opposite.
In fact, just this week the Australian Energy Regulator has warned that power prices could rise by an extra 50% next year. This is simply unacceptable. I am deeply concerned about the pressure this will put on hard-working Australian families that are also grappling with higher mortgage repayments and the effects of inflation on everything from groceries to petrol prices.
In addition to the financial distress caused by the government’s failure to deliver on its key promise to voters, it also diminishes people’s trust in the federal government. People hate being lied to during election campaigns and have grown tired of broken election promises. Political leaders must always treat the Australian people with respect and must never take their support for granted.
While I am not a member of the Labor Government, I am privileged to be your representative in the Parliament - a job I take very seriously. Since the election, I have spoken out on several occasions about the ever-increasing cost of electricity and how the government must do more to help families. It is my job to hold the government to account on its promises and I will continue to do so on critical issues like this one.
If you are interested in listening to a recent speech I gave in the Parliament on this topic, you can do so by clicking here.